Shipping & Delivery
All prices on our website do not include shipping. Shipping costs will automatically be added during checkout. Please take note of the possible charges and free shipping* in the table below. We try hardest to deliver your items within the delivery period. A separate email with the tracking number details will be sent once the order has been processed.

Please note that estimated delivery times are to be used as a guide only and commences form the date of dispatch. Siti Khadijah will not be responsible for any delays caused by destination clearance process.
In the rare event that your item does not arrive, please contact
As the importer of record, the recipient is responsible for any additional courier charge, levies, duties, taxes and other customs fees required for clearance. Please note that refunds will not be issued for any orders that are refused or abandoned due to issues with customs fees.
It is common for your local Postal Service to prepay your duties and taxes based on your purchase price. This will be billed to you either when the package is picked up, or a bill will be sent to you in the mail.
Siti Khadijah will not mark merchandise as below its stated value or mark items as “gift”.
Get in touch
Have questions about your order, or a general enquiry?