“A friend is the one that sees something amazing in you, True friend is the one that brings out the amazingness in you.”

Ever since we arrived in this world, we have met countless people. Most of them come and go. Some, a handful of them, stick with us throughout the years. The initial meet up varies. It could be the school where we used to go. It could be the neighbourhood we grew up in. Perhaps, those that we know through relatives and other people.

Through thick and thin, one might say. That is what we all yearn for. Those that stand with us when others leave. Those that we bicker with but soon patch things up just as fast. Those that we often proudly claim as a sister or brother from a different parent.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “teman syurga”?

In short, the type of a friend that is so amazing, they could be the one sitting besides us in Heaven. A friend, throughout life, sincerely helping us to be a better person. The one that is our voice of conscience and will not falter to correct us should we stray. The one that never gives up and points out our errors through compassion.

If you have one “teman syurga”, do know that you are truly blessed. Even if you don’t have one, don’t pout just yet. Perhaps, you are someone else “teman syurga”.

Enjoy the story below shared by one of SK’s model about “teman syurga”


"I nak pakai tudung macam you."

Tu ayat Ami, kawan Ajwa dari Australia. Lepas dia nampak Ajwa dalam video tutorial Hegira, terus dia mesej tanya.Ajwa rasa seronok sangat bila Ami cakap yang dia dah sampai seru nak bertudung. Ye lah. Ajwa jadi sebahagian daripada benda yang timbulkan minat nak bertudung.

Mestilah seronok, kan?Ami cakap lagi yang dia baru nak belajar pakai. Nak cari tudung yang ringkas. Yang tak leceh nak belit-belit. Yang cantik dan tak skema.Mula-mula dia tanya nak beli kat mana. Ajwa terus sahaja kirimkan dua, tiga helai sebagai hadiah.Moga-moga dengan hadiah tu, Ami istiqamah. Insha Allah. Tak kira apa atau bagaimana, Ajwa cuma nak Ami tahu yang Ajwa akan sentiasa ada untuk dia. Sampai bila-bila.